Tatton Park Learning Hub
Here at Tatton Park, we take our role in supporting and enriching learning for young people very seriously. Our learning resources have been developed to complement statutory requirements on the National Curriculum. Content is rich, varied and can be accessed by both teachers and home educators. Generally, activities are pitched at Key Stage 2 (7-11 year olds), but can easily be adapted to suit younger or older children. Please contact the Education Team if you have any topics to request!
We are working towards having a vast range of free education resources available on this area of our website for anyone to use. Keep checking back to see what's new!
You can also visit Tes.com for a range of fantastic learning resources to support a wide range of curriculum studies. The majority are available for free, but more comprehensive bundle packs are available for a small charge. New items are being added regularly, so check back to see what is new and exciting!
Tatton Park is home to fascinating creatures, rare-breed farm animals and interesting plants. Learn all about them and pick up skills to use at home to help care for the natural world and the creatures that live in it.

Inspired by literature and art, these resources will give you ideas for a range of creative projects at home!
Learn how important Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths are in our work.
Ranging from cookery tuition to an introduction to the world of work, these resources help you develop essential skills for your future.
Explore the rich history of Tatton Park over the centuries and discover what life was like for people living in those times.