Tatton Park Learning Hub - Life Skills

Mental Wellbeing
It is always important to take the time to relax and look after ourselves, especially during difficult times. These activities encourage you to relax, unwind and look after your mind.
Download 'Mental Wellbeing' activity sheet (PDF 211KB)
Cooking and Healthy eating
Kitchen Garden Recipes
Here at Tatton Park, we have a beautiful, Walled Kitchen Garden. Parts of our garden date back to 1750! We also have an orchard, growing apples, pears and cherries. There are also lots of mouth watering vegetables on offer that all get used in dishes prepared in our onsight Restaurants. Try your hand at a couple of healthy recipes using produce you can find in Tatton Park's Gardens.
Download 'Walled Kitchen Garden Recipes' activity sheet (PDF 714 KB)
Eat more wholegrains
Find our why wholegrains are an important part of a healthy diet with this interesting fact sheet.
Download 'Healthy eating week - wholegrains' activity sheet (PDF 419 KB)
Vary your veg
With other foods rationed, vegetables formed a key part of people's diets during World War two. Step inside Aunt Mary's kitchen to learn some interesting ways of including vegetables in your cooking.
Download 'Healthy eating week - Wartime recipes' activity sheet (PDF 560 KB)
Using vegetables in your cooking
Why not explore what vegetables are growing at different times of year and get creative with including them in your favourite recipes! Here's a yummy vegetable soup using whatever vegetables you like.
Download 'Tatton Kitchen Garden Vegetable Soup' recipe (PDF 343 KB)
Learn about career development
At Tatton Park, we love to support career development. We attend and host events that help young people consider what they want to do when they are older.
Skill Types
Identify what skills you have and why they are important for your future career.
Download the 'World of Work - Skills' activity sheet (PDF 500KB)
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