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Here at Tatton Park, we are committed to preserving the beauty and natural resources of our estate for generations to come.

Tatton Park is a stunning historic estate managed and financed by Cheshire East Council, located in the heart of Cheshire. We believe that it is our responsibility to protect and preserve our natural environment, and we are committed to doing our part to ensure that Tatton Park remains a beautiful and sustainable place for generations to come. 

We are proud to support and be a part of the Cheshire East Council Carbon Neutral Council commitment by implementing a range of sustainable practices that help reduce our carbon footprint. From installing energy-efficient lighting to promoting recycling and composting, we take our responsibility towards the environment seriously. 

At Tatton Park, we understand the importance of preserving our environment for future generations. That's why we have made it our mission to implement sustainable practices throughout our estate. From using local and estate-reared produce in our shops and restaurant to using grey water in our gardens and stableyard, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and creating a more sustainable future.

Join us on this journey as we explore the steps we are taking to promote sustainability at Tatton Park. Here are a few examples of how our work towards sustainability is evolving:


Garden Sustainability


In 2023 we grew over 5,700kg of produce for the Stables Restaurant and Garden Shop –the same weight as an African elephant!


This included…

  • 1,900kg potatoes
  • 1,000kg courgettes
  • 500kg tomatoes
  • 300kg onions
  • 200kg carrots

As well as apples, asparagus, beetroot, broad beans, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, kale, leeks, lettuce, parsnips, pears, pumpkins, radishes, rhubarb, squashes and sweetcorn. Oh, and fresh cut flowers for sale in the shop!


The vegetables grown in our gardens have only 0.1 food miles on their journey from the Kitchen Garden to the Restaurant. Any leftovers or excess are taken home by our team of volunteers to reduce wastage.


In addition, we are reducing temperatures in our glasshouses to reduce heating oil consumption, lawn areas are no longer manually watered, because we are using cultural techniques such as slitting and hollow tining to improve water penetration and absorption. 

Mansion Sustainability


We're always looking for ways to make our Mansion more sustainable and energy-efficient. We've already upgraded all the light bulbs to LED or low wattage, but we understand that some of the historic light fittings can't accommodate LED bulbs. That's why we're constantly exploring and trying out new technologies to see what works best.


We're finding better ways to heat the collection rooms and offices, and reduce our energy usage. We've installed new timer clocks and zones to help us better control the heating. This way, we're only using energy when and where we need it.


A lot of what we do to care for the collection is low impact as we don’t use any harsh products or chemicals for cleaning and conservation. We avoid using single-use cleaning supplies so the lint-free cloths and specialist brushes we use for dusting different surfaces and objects are all washed and reused.

Farm Sustainability

the FARM

The Farm, in partnership with Cheshire Beekeepers has just introduced 2 hives with approximately 60,000 bees. We have prepared a special area for the hives and planted pollinate shrubs to help the bees fit into their new home.


The bees will help to pollinate all the food crops that we grow and are grown locally. Without this we would not be able to feed all our animals as the bees pollinate many crops used for animal feed.


The Farm is also experimenting with using its own wool for weed control, which offers many benefits such as slow-release nitrogen and other trace elements.


At the Field to Fork exhibition at the farm visitors can learn about the environmental impact of modern farming compared to traditional methods, as well as the importance of local and low-carbon footprint food and farming. The exhibition showcases the farm's own sustainable practices.

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In our Garden Shop, the produce available travels less than 5 minutes by wheelbarrow directly from our Walled Kitchen Garden, where our volunteers and gardeners plant and harvest fruit and vegetables throughout the year. This produce is also used for seasonal dishes in the Stables Restaurant and Gardener's Cottage Tea Room, truly demonstrating the benefits of food travelling from field to fork. 


In our Gift Shop we sell Rugs, Felted Sheep, Soap and more using our very own Tatton fleeces from our estate-reared rare breed sheep from local business Grateful Sheep. 


The Stables Restaurant and The Gardener's Cottage prioritise the use of fresh, seasonal ingredients in their dishes - much of which is sourced directly from the estate and gardens. By keeping the journey from field to fork short, they reduce their carbon footprint, promote the use of seasonal produce, and minimize food waste.

Parkland Sustainability


The rangers have planted over 1km of hedgerow that contains a mixed variety of species including Hazel, Blackthorn and Hawthorn. These hedgerows play a vital role helping to alleviate climate change by capturing carbon dioxide and storing it as carbon amongst the roots, leaf litter and soil beneath the ground.


The rangers are also doing something called coppicing in Millennium Wood. This involves cutting down Hazel stands every 5 to 7 years and using the sticks for gardening (such as pea sticks) and stakes for projects like dead wood hedging to create natural barriers that provide great wildlife habitat.

Ladies Picnic


At Tatton Park, we are committed to promoting sustainability and reducing waste across our estate. One way we do this is by reusing and recycling as much as possible. Our toilets, for example, use grey water from across the estate, reducing water waste and conserving this valuable resource.


All the rubbish in the bins throughout the park are sorted for recycling and general waste, making it easy for visitors to dispose of their waste responsibly. Not only does this help to reduce waste going to landfill, it also means that valuable materials can be repurposed and reused.


We actively encourage everyone who visits Tatton Park from tour groups, school trips and general public to take home their rubbish and waste, so that litter is minimised throughout the park.