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Dining Room

The dining room decorated for ChristmasThis spectacular room is all that survives of the early eighteenth century house at Tatton. Its exuberant Rococo plasterwork decoration makes a very noticeable contrast with the later Neo-Classical architecture of the rest of the house, and was undoubtedly retained on account of its splendour and refinement.

Since the late eighteenth century the Dining Room was extensively used for entertaining, and as many as 43 guests were recorded as dining on a single occasion in the late nineteenth century.

One of the most notable occasions of Egerton hospitality was the visit to Tatton on the 2nd and 3rd May 1887, of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, who were entertained by Wilbraham, 2nd Baron Egerton of Tatton during their visit to Manchester to open the Royal Jubilee Exhibition.

On both evenings 28 guests sat down to dinner, and afterwards there were supper parties for 70 on the first night and 80 guests on the second. Dinner was served upon a service of gold, and 116 bottles of champagne, claret and whisky were consumed in total.