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The Maurice Egerton Exhibition


The Maurice Egerton Exhibition relates to the life and passion of Maurice, the fourth and last Baron Egerton of Tatton (1874 – 1958).Maurice Egerton at the controls of the short Wright flyer

A pioneer aviator, car enthusiast, traveller and natural historian, he collected extraordinary items from around the world, many of which are now on display in this exciting exhibition.

This permanent display reflects the countries visited by Lord Egerton including ivory puzzle balls from China, a model kayak from the Yukon, Musical instruments collected by Maurice including a thumb pianomusical instruments from Africa and North America and a collection of spears, weaponry and knives from different cultures, including wrist knives from Kenya.

In addition to the items he collected, extracts from his diaries including copious lists from his expeditions and even archive film footage of Lord Egerton himself are also on display.


Thanks are due to the Heritage Lottery Fund, Cheshire Rural Recovery, Cheshire County Council, the National Trust and National Trust Centres for the original funding for the exhibition rooms.

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