Meet the Animals and Rare Breeds

A Rare Breeds Farm
In January 2007, the Farm was awarded Rare Breeds Accreditation by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST) - the leading conservation charity working to restore Britain’s native livestock breeds. It is one of only a few farm parks in the UK to have received the award which recognises their commitment to the conservation, breeding and promotion of rare or endangered breeds of farm animals. The Farm had to meet various criteria, involving not only the livestock, but the standards of the premises, the knowledge of the staff and detailed examination of pedigree records, movement information and health requirements.
It now has to sustain two viable breeding units as part of its commitment to Rare Breeds and has chosen to concentrate on Middle White pigs and Red Poll cattle.
The eight breeding cows in the Red Poll herd will help to sustain what is considered one of the original native dual-purpose breeds of cow due to its dairy and beef qualities.
Our two Middle White pigs are very rare indeed, a ‘priority’ breed on the latest RBST watchlist, along with the other breeds of pigs kept here.
The farm is passionate about sustaining and championing rare and traditional native breeds and using them to help educate our visitors about British food and farming.
Meet the Animals
Our pig herd comprises four rare breeds that are on the RBST watch list: the Berkshire, Middle White, Saddleback and Large White. Each individual has their own unique personality making them all great characters. You may even be lucky enough to see a newborn litter when you visit!
We have three Shire horses here at the farm. 16-year-old Tabitha is our most versatile horse, she is a great ride, is broken to pull and a brilliant mum. In summer 2017 she gave birth to Tatton Summer Sensation, her second foal. Sensation is still here at the Farm and we have high hopes of getting her in foal so we can continue the tradition of helping increase the numbers of this ‘at risk’ breed of horse. Tabitha’s brother, 14-year-old Friar, is a real character. He loves to show off in his ridden demos at the Royal Cheshire Show every June! Both Tabitha and Friar were bred here at the farm.
We have three donkeys here at the Farm. Huw, at 12 years old, is in his adolescence and can be a typical teenager. He is constantly trying to get the upper hand! Fortunately Aunty Frosty keeps him in check. She is 16 years old now and doesn’t take any messing. And finally the lovely Pickles who may be small but has a big personality!
We have a very rare breed of goat at the Farm, the Golden Guernsey. We are starting to breed off them to help increase numbers of this ‘at risk’ breed. Honey and home bred Amber had 4 kids between them in 2022. Emily and Honey are due more kids in June 2024 so watch this space… The goats are great fun and always in attendance at key events such as Knutsford Mayday and The Cheshire Show.
We have expanded our Red Poll herd now to incorporate our very own traditional native Dairy herd which we use for our milking demonstrations in Summer. This includes Jersey cow Berry, a Guernsey cow, Gracie and Jasmine who is Berry’s 2023 calf. They are all of a fabulous nature and we do hope you will have a chance to see one of them being milked after they have calved. All our cows are due to calve in June and July this year, see the milking demonstrations in the Shippon.
Our flock of 40 ewes lamb once a year, one of our farming calendar highlights. It is certainly hard to beat the sight of a lamb full of the joys of Spring leaping and racing in the sunshine! Come and learn more about our sheep during our lambing week which takes place in April.
We have numerous rare and fancy breeds of poultry, many of which are ‘priority’ breeds on the RBST watchlist including chickens such as British Araucana, British Faverolles, Buff Orpingtons, Marsh Daisys, Exchequer Leghorns and also the very rare Brecon Buff geese. We use our hatchery during the summer months to hatch out rare breed eggs to help support these breeds.