Enjoying the Gardens on a wetter day
Tatton's Gardens are beautiful at any time of the year and in any type of weather.
Many areas of the gardens are enhanced during inclement weather. The colour in the Japanese Garden is particularly atmospheric.
Traditionally, Japanese gardens are 'watered' prior to special visits to bring out the colours. Many visitors to the Japanese Garden remark on its beauty during rainy weather. Incidentally, it is believed that rain during a visit to a Japanese Garden brings good fortune!
In spite of its 50 acres the gardens provide many opportunities to shelter and rest. The historic glass Fernery is for many one of the most private and inviting aspects of the gardens.
Sheltering under the African Hut's thatched heather roof looking down the garden's Broad Walk is a convenient point to stop and shelter.
The intimacy of the Rose and Tower gardens provide, for many, a favourite resting and sheltering spot at any time of the year but best during June when the scent of roses can be heightened by the slightest rain.
Tatton's arboretum also provides shelter and wonderful scents from the foliage and conifers.
Sitting under the Mansion portico, looking out across the formal Italian gardens across the estate's parkland and meres provides one of the most impressive views at Tatton.
Charlotte's Arbour, made for Lady Charlotte to sit and enjoy the gardens under shelter, is still a favourite seat for our visitors, from which to enjoy the colour and formality of Charlotte's Lawn.