Booking Your School Visit to Tatton Park
We appreciate that booking and carrying out a school visit is a big job for busy, hard working teachers! This page puts all the essential information you need in one place and has been designed to give you confidence in our policies and procedures.
If you haven't decided what you want you book yet, visit our Education Programme to read more about our workshops.

1. Risk Assessments
We will send a risk assessment at the point of booking.
2. Coach Funding
With the kind support of the Tatton Park Charitable Trust, a number of places are made available each year to support deserving schools with the cost of their coach travel. Download our brief information document (PDF,103KB) for more details.
3. Pre-Visits
All pre-visits must be booked in advance and are strictly for named staff from the school only. Please contact us at to organise this.
Pre-visits are generally conducted during normal attraction opening times, however the Old Hall is available by appointment only. Should you need to speak with a member of the team during your pre-visit, please request this in advance and we will always do our best to accommodate. Please note that our availability to provide a guided pre-visit is, with regret, very limited.
4. Behaviour
In order to get the most out of your day, we ask for your support with advocating good behaviour amongst your school group at all times. Please read our behaviour policy for school groups (PDF,167KB) and discuss it with your pupils prior to the visit.
5. Health and Safety: First Aid
Here at Tatton Park, we have a large team of first aiders working across the estate. Wherever your visit takes place, you will be in easy reach of a qualified member of staff, who can assist with any first aid requirements. Please ask a member of staff (in green or blue logoed uniform) to radio for first aid and the nearest person will attend as soon as possible. It is of assistance to us if you prepare any relevant information about the accident/injury in advance of the first aider’s arrival. Our first aiders are qualified to deal with minor injuries and the initial stages of major injuries, until the emergency services arrive.
6. Health and Safety: Lost Children
Tatton Park is a large site, so it is essential that visiting groups stick together. However, if a child does become separated from you, please speak to a member of staff (in green or blue logoed uniform) immediately and a search party will be coordinated.
7. Social Stories
We appreciate that visiting a large site like Tatton Park can be a little overwhelming, especially for those who may find new environments daunting. We have developed a number of 'Social Stories', which explain what you can expect from a visit along with a selection of helpful photographs. We recommend that children are shown these in advance of their visit, so that they are better prepared for the day.
Download our Mansion Social Story (PDF, 17.88MB)
Download our Old Hall Social Story (PDF, 1.26MB)
Download our Farm Social Story (PDF, 53.81MB)
If you require any more information that isn't listed here, please do not hesitate to contact us at or 01625 374428 (subject to office hours).