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Tatton Park's Visitor Service Promise

Tatton Team

We promise to warmly welcome each and every visitor to Tatton by...

Being visible and wearing our name badges

Being courteous and respectful

Offering help and advice wherever we are

Smiling, making eye contact and saying hello to each of you

We promise to create the best visitor environment by...

Making sure that all areas are clean, tidy and safe

Being smart and well presented

Helping to orientate our visitors

Taking pride in our work

We promise to personalise visitors’ experiences by...

Treating our visitors as individuals, engaging with different visitors in different ways

Listening to visitors’ needs and asking questionsBlossom the Clydesdale

Offering a choice

Being knowledgeable about Tatton

We promise to make things easy for visitors by...

Taking ownership of problems and using our initiative to resolve them quickly and efficiently

Keeping up to date with Tatton events and news

Taking time to find out answers to our visitors’ questions

We promise to exceed visitors’ expectations by...

Sharing our enthusiasm and passion

Going the extra mile

Allowing our visitors to feel it is their special place

Working together as a positive and proactive team